Thursday 1 August 2013

little girl was brutally harassed by her aunt

It was a very touching evening in ihionu street onitsha ,as crowd gathered in the almost deserted street as this little girl was brutally harassed by her aunt, for a reason that is hardly believable, the aunt pregnant Mrs Francis accused
little chiamaka who is a few months less 6 years of being lazy,little chiamaka was beaten to an extent she had to run from the house to a nearby yard along the street at about 11pm last night, it was a quick intervention of a resident in that house that saw to chiamaka's sleep. Eye witness gathered that the girl was beaten to a point that blood gushed as result of wounds sustained, concerned neighbours alerted the poilce the following morning and ensured that Mrs Francis was arrested and treated duly by the poilce, dear readers what will you wish Mrs Francis when she is due for delivery after nine months and parents know the kind of hand you let your children into....what will you call this if not child abuse.

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