Friday 6 March 2015

Woman Obsessed With Cocacola Turns Home Into Shrine For Frizzy Drink

In Lillian's home, everything from mirrors to tables has the Coca Cola brand, with presses, floors and tiles all painted either red or white

I'm a big lover of Cococola and over the years I've fought my addiction for the frizzy drink.
But as big a fan as I am of  Coke, my love for the world's number one brand is nothing  compared to one single  fizz-obsessed mum who has transformed her home into a shrine to the sugary beverage.
Everything from mirrors to tables has the Coca Cola brand, with presses, floors and tiles all painted either red or white.
Lillian, who is married, revealed that her fascination with Coke started when she was on a holiday over 30 years ago, reports the Irish Mirror.

Obsession: The kitchen of the Coca-Cola house

The mother-of-two from Glanmire, County Cork, was travelling from Germany to Austria and when she crossed the border, realised she had drank the same can of coke in two countries and decided from then she would collect Coke cans from all around the world.

"I collected them for about 28 years," she told the Neil Prendeville show on Red FM.

"When friends and family went off to different countries, they would bring me back some.

"They were up the loft for years and years and I thought will we do the small bedroom up in Coca Cola?

Red and white: There is even a Coca-Cola themed bathroom

"So, we did the small bedroom up in Coca Cola and that's my sons room now.

"Then I was watching Come Dine With Me about five years ago and I though oh I'll do the kitchen up in Coca Cola, because one of the women in it had a Coca Cola sign in her kitchen.

"I just said to Barry we'll do the kitchen up and within six months the whole kitchen was done up in Coca Cola."

But where does one get so much Coca Cola memorablia.

Sweet dreams: You can't even escape the beverage while drifting off to sleep

"I go out to New York and the Grand Slam shop in Times Square has a section dedicated to Coca Cola, so I usually go out there and bring loads back. "

Lillian even got a local shop in Cork to get presses in Coca Cola red and got her husband Barry to make two Coca Cola chandeliers.

"We bought a crate of Coca Cola bottles and drank the Coke and he made up the chandeliers."

Lillian also revealed the reason why she prefers Coke to Pepsi is because Pepsi is "sweeter."

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